Use "murrelet|murrelets" in a sentence

1. Auklets in breeding plumage differ from the related murrelets in having plumes and other head o

2. Alcidae, bird family, order Charadriiformes, which includes the birds known as auk, auklet, dovekie, guillemot, murre, murrelet, and puffin (qq.v.).

3. I live on the shores of Monterey Bay, California, where ten Alcid taxa are regular (currently considered 9 species until Xantus's Murrelet Synthliboramphus h

4. Charadriiform - Charadriiform - Auks (suborder Alcae): Alcids breed in island colonies along Arctic and north temperate seacoasts, with the exception of a few murrelets that breed inland on mountains

5. Snooping on Red-Cockaded Woodpeckers Environmental groups soon enjoined other wildlife into the fight: the Red Cockaded Woodpecker, the brown bear, the marbled murrelet, not to mention plants and even fungi

6. This guided trip from Anacortes offers an opportunity to visit Pigeon Guillemot nesting areas and see other species of "Alcids," such as Marbled Murrelet, Common Murre and Rhinocerus Auklet.

7. Bertram (1995) noted the large number of fishing boats around Langara Island from 1954 to at least 1965, including a small proportion of gill netters, and suggested that large numbers of murrelets were killed by light attraction into ships’ rigging at night and by being caught accidentally in gill nets.

8. ‘Closely related to the Tufted Puffin, the Rhinoceros Auklet is a large Alcid with a wedge-shaped head.’ ‘One would imagine this place to be a paradise of Alcids of all types, guillemots, dovekies, puffins, razorbills, murres, and murrelets all splashing around in their black and white finery.’